Affiliate Postdoc Fellows


Individual postdoctoral fellowships are often competitive and prestigious. This is a wonderful reflection of the quality of FAU research, where postdoctoral fellows choose to conduct research and additional training.

An affiliate postdoctoral fellow at FAU is defined as a postdoctoral scholar who has been awarded an externally sponsored fellowship or traineeship for postdoctoral studies and the sponsor supports the postdoc exclusively and provides their financial support directly to the postdoctoral scholar. The affiliate postdoctoral scholar is not an employee of FAU, nor are they eligible for any benefits provided by the university. All departments should ensure that the affiliate postdoctoral scholar understands that they are not employed by FAU but are authorized to be on campus working under the advisement of a designated FAU faculty member who will be serving as their mentor.


The affiliate postdoc designation allows for the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs to track and welcome the scholar into the general postdoc community at FAU to be included in postdoc related announcements and functions. Additionally, the affiliate designation can provide a variety of privileges including: an FAU ID Card, use of library, an FAU email, etc.

All departments must obtain authorization by their chairs, deans and the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs, before offering an appointment.


Departmental hiring representative would need to email the following required documents to the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs at for review, approval, and submission.

  • Postdoc's curriculum vitae
  • Postdoc's award notice from funding source
  • Affiliate postdoctoral fellow personal data sheet and signed misdemeanor form
  • Copy of the postdoc mentoring plan (Required if NSF)
  • Appropriate background check:  either a FAU HR background check approval for domestic scholars or a foreign research screening approval for international scholars
  • Draft offer letter with chair/dean approval for Office of Postdoctoral Affairs review

Hiring Department Resources